Grade 11 Heart Matters

Heart dissection in Grade 11 can prove to be quite an interesting albeit messy business. {gallery}2011/Term1/lifesciencespacgr11{/gallery}

Wembley U13 Cricket Tournament

DSS participated in a six-a-side tournament hosted by Wembley on 4 & 5 February. They lost all four of their matches in the preliminary stages and therefore did not reach the finals. Winterton eventually went home with the tournament trophy. {gallery}2011/Term1/cricket/juniortournamentwembley{/gallery} Other Under 13 Cricket Resultsvs Pietermaritzburg Christian College on 12 FebPmb 116/8DSS 104 all … Read more

Singapore Maths Curriculum

With the introduction of a new Maths curriculum from Grade R – Grade 5, the Maths teachers were introduced to the curriculum at a course held by Jack Garb, Head of Singapore Maths SA, on 3 February at DSS. The teachers were introduced to the Singapore way of doing Maths. This is a comprehensive, activity-based … Read more

Grade 12 Gruel

The Grade 12s got an early taste of what is in store for them throughout 2011 when they had to perform at the Life Sciences practical exam on 3 February. {gallery}2011/Term1/lifesciencespracgr12{/gallery}

2011 Day One

2011 at DSS began with 9 brand new first-time-ever-learners in the Grade R class. There were a number who were first time DSS learners. The weather was sunny which is also quite unusual for a first school day (it is often misty and wet). Mr Detlef Stegen took the opening devotion where he challenged the … Read more

DSS Tecnology Olympiad 2010



The 2010 Challenge: Design & build a self-powered ball-shooter that can travel from the start area to the shooting area and shoot a tennis ball at the goals without human intervention. The power source of the ball-shooter may be mechanical, gravity, pneumatic, hydraulic or any combination of these. Friday 11 May saw the DSS Technology Olympiad take place in the Grade 8 class. The machines were judged on number of balls shot, aesthetics, maneuverability and efficiency.


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Speed Stacks

Speed stacks took off in a big way at Domino this term. The craze started in the Intermediate Phase and is slowly spreading. Watch this space for future in-school competitions and who knows where we might end?


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