Community Support

Matric teachers from DSS are helping a neighbouring school, Phezukomkhono, revise work for their trials examinations during August. Just over 50 learners come to DSS for three days a week. The subjects are Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Accounting and Physical Sciences. {gallery}2011/Term3/CommunitySupport{/gallery}

Practical Trigonometry

The Grade 10’s experimented with practical trigonometry on 22 July. They made their own inclinometers and had to use it to work out how high the library building is. After this they shot up rockets (coke bottles), working out how high each rocket flew and what its average speed was. {gallery}2011/Term3/Gr10Maths{/gallery}

SAICE-TCTA Schools Water Competition

The 2011 Challenge The teams are tasked with designing a model water distribution network to distribute three litres of water equally between three points on a sixteen-point grid using two different diameter pipes and connection pieces. They are then judged on how well they execute the task – working on a penalty points system. They … Read more

FET Open Evening

The FET Open Evening was held on 2 August 2011. After a warm welcome and some musical items by the Music Ensemble, the parents were given a briefing on the latest curriculum (CAPS) which will be implemented in stages beginning with the Foundation Phase in 2012. The Effects of Technology on our Youth was the … Read more

SAICE-DUT-MNA Water Competition

The Pietermaritzburg South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) Committee hosted their 3rd Regional High School’s “Aqualibrium” Water Competition on Saturday, 21 May 2011. Teams from various schools such as Domino Servite, Northbury Park Secondary, St. Charles College, Maritzburg College and Raisethorpe Secondary participated in this event. The aim of the competition was to distribute … Read more

Technology Winners Trip

The three winners of the National 2010 SAIMechE Technology Olympiad – Jonas Graf, Etienne Husslig and Wouter-Jan Mout were treated to a trip of their lives when they took three days off to visit places in the country that were good examples of technology in action. Their first stop on Monday 21 March was Cape Town where … Read more

Award Assembly Term 2

The Term 2 Award Assembly saw a number of awards presented to deserving learners. First up were the Foundation Phase learners who all received a First Aid Certificate for attending the First Aid Seminar held during the term. The learners who took part in the WESSA 2011 Inter Schools Environmental Quiz received their awards. Three … Read more

Community Support

Assisting Matric learners from other schools is something we find pleasure in doing. The Matric Maths teacher is teaching extra Maths to a group of Matric learners from a neighbouring school. {gallery}2011/Term2/MatricAssistance{/gallery}

Winter Sport vs Ndukende

Ndukende played a number of matches against DSS on 15 June in three winter sport codes namely netball, soccer and volleyball. The matches were challenging and some, rather tough. {gallery}2011/Term2/NdukendeNetball{/gallery} {gallery}2011/Term2/NdukendeSoccer{/gallery} {gallery}2011/Term2/NdukendeVball{/gallery}

Speed Stacks Relay Competition

At the end of the term a Speed Stacks Relay competition was held between three IP teams – Burst, Blitz and Bolt. Three main relays were held, a 3-3-3 relay, a 3-6-3 relay and a cycle relay. Each team member had to build the required stack in the fastest time possible, run back and tip the next team member … Read more