Adventure Camp


On 18 & 19 April all FET learners and 14 adults went on an Adventure Camp. Besides satisfying some of the outcomes for Life Orientation, the purpose of the camp was two-fold. It exposed learners to an alternative form of relaxation (other than the usual electronic entertainment), and focussed on the importance of team work. … Read more

Soccer B vs Nhlokozi


On 5 May DSS Soccer B played against Nhlokozi at home. DSS lost 2 – 4. {gallery}2012/Term2/Socc2ndNhlokozi{/gallery}

Soccer A vs Nhlokozi


On 5 May DSS Soccer A played against Nhlokozi at home. DSS won 3 – 2. {gallery}2012/Term2/Socc1stNhlokozi{/gallery}

Netball B vs Nhlokozi


On 5 May DSS Netball B played against Nhlokozi at home. DSS lost 7 – 16. {gallery}2012/Term2/Nball2ndNhlokozi{/gallery}

Netball A vs Nhlokozi


On 5 May DSS Netball A played against Nhlokozi at home. DSS won the match 9 – 1. {gallery}2012/Term2/Nball1stNhlokozi{/gallery}

IEB Art Competition


Theme of the IEB Art Competition: Education – The Practice of Compliance and the Practice of Creative Freedom. The artwork should be inspired by the following quote from Paulo Freire: “Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the young generation into the logic of the present system and bring … Read more

Friday Fun!


Fridays in the Foundation Phase are nice days because after all the morning tests are over, the rest of the day is filled with creative fun! {gallery}2012/Term2/FPArt{/gallery}

KZN SPAR Shields Hockey Tournament


The KZN SPAR Shields Teens U18 Regional Hockey Tournament was held at Wembley College in Greytown on 21 April. DSS was one of six schools that took part in the tournament. The results are as follows: DSS vs WembleyDSS drew 0-0 DSS vs WartburgDSS lost 0-2 DSS vs HermansburgDSS lost 1-2 DSS vs LadysmithDSS lost … Read more

Interhouse X-Country


There is one way in which to test how fit you really are and that is to do a quick 2km, 4km or 6km run! Many DSS learners found out that they were not as fit as they thought they were when they took part in the Interhouse X-Country Challenge on 16 April. This was … Read more