Grade 9 Outing


On 11 May the Grade 9 class, together with 4 teachers visited three Durban venues, the Natural Science Museum, the Sugar Terminal and Durban Harbour.The visit to the Natural Science Museum was specifically worthwhile for the subject of Natural Science. The learners were exposed to model animals of a very wide range and informative visuals.The … Read more

FET Open Evening


The FET Open Evening took place on 29 May. Parents and staff were welcomed with a delightful item rendered by the Music Ensemble. A brief report was given on the different activities in which the FET learners were involved during Term 1 and 2 such as Olympiads, Science Expo, Water Equilibrium Competition, Afrikaans outing and … Read more

Sunshine in Grade 4


So let the sun shine in, face it with a grinSmile is never lose, frown is never winSo let the sun shine in, face it with a grinJust open up your heart and let the sun shine in! {gallery}2012/Term2/Gr4Sunshine{/gallery}

Soccer & Netball vs Khomba


On 14 May DSS played Soccer and Netball against Khomba at home. The results were as follows: U13 Netball DSS lost 7-2U15 Netball DSS won 10-2U11 Soccer DSS lost 3-0U13 Soccer DSS lost 5-0U15 Soccer DSS won 6-3 {gallery}2012/Term2/KhombaSoccNet{/gallery}  

SAICE Regional Bridge Building


On 18 May Domino Servite took part in the SAICE Durban Bridge Building Competition. Two teams (those who had come first in the school competition) represented the school. The members of the one team were David Geldenhuys, David Graf and Heinrich Marloth. They achieved 4th position and their bridge carried a weight of 33 kg. … Read more