Fire Training Course



On 11 May four DSS staff members joined other locals to learn the basic skills of fire fighting.
The course began with theory. The three elements of the fire triangle, namely fuel, heat and oxygen keep a fire alive. A demonstration involving the different types of fire extinguishers used for different types of fires took place. After the theory, each had a turn using an extinguisher to put out a fire.
Amidst clouds of smoke and smiles, we realised that it was indeed not so difficult to extinguish a small fire – provided the fire extinguisher was not empty!
It is good to have the knowledge but we do hope it will not be necessary to put the firefighting skills into practice.

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Staff First Aid Course



Together with others, seven staff of DSS attended a First Aid Course conducted by Sister Robyn Armstrong from Choice Care Training on 12 June.
We arrived knowing very little, for instance how to put a plaster on a sore knee, and how to give a little TLC. However, at the end of the 2 day course, we knew how to save a life through CPR. We learned how to assess injuries and take control of situations. We had practice handling head & spinal injuries on willing volunteers. Visuals were helpful and we were able to do a lot of practical for all kinds of senarios. We ended the course by writing a test after which we received our certificates for Basic Life Support including CPR and Level 1 First Aid.

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Grade 5 Soap Manufacturers



Yes, you can become an entrepreneur at a very young age. The Grade 5s designed their own detergent after having done a survey on the types of soaps used in most households. This project was part of the Life Orientation curriculum.

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Grade 4 Skit



The Grade 4 class presented a small skit to the Foundation and Intermediate Phase learners on Daniel and his three friends, Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego. It was short and very sweet.

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Grade 8 Straw Bridges



Technology in Grade 8 certainly opens up the world of bridge engineering to the learners, even if it is done on a much smaller scale and with plastic straws! Which goes to show, if anything is designed well, it is worth its weight!

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Grade 5 Bird Perchers



Technology opens up a new world to learners, espcially those who are not exposed to any kind of wood work. Technology in Grade 5 involves designing and building a bird perch under a watchful teacher’s eye of course!

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