Hockey U9 New Hanover Tournament

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The U9 Hockey girls competed in a local tournament held at New Hanover school. 23 April. They played two matches.DSS vs Hew Hanover Primary drew 0-0DSS vs Wembley lost 0-1  {gallery}2013/Term2/HockeyU9{/gallery}  

ID Registration


It’s always so nice when someone goes out of their way for you! This is what the Department of Home Affairs did for DSS when they arrived on 17 April to enable 16 year old learners and those who were older to register for their ID document. It makes life so much easier when it … Read more

Interhouse Cross Country



The Interhouse Cross Country took place on 13 April. All learners could register to compete in order to gain points for their houses. The score accumulated at this competition is the score the houses begin the Interhouse Athletics competition with. So it was vital for the House Captains to encourage as many of their athletes as possible to compete. Morris took the honours with a winning score of 204 points which was 73 points ahead of Murray. The day was most enjoyable. Many athletes realised that they were not as fit as they thought they were!

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Careers Day


Learners begin making career choices at school level and to assist them in their choices, schools present a number of different after school ideas to the learners. On 12 April the FET phase learners were presented with career choices in four different fields i.e. education (Cedar College of Education), communication (Radio Khwezi), agriculture (Department of … Read more

Award Assembly Term 1

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DSC 1797

Term 1 was concluded at DSS with the quarterly Award Assembly held on 27 March. The assembly had an Easter flavour to it because Easter was  just a day or two away. The proceedings were competently handled by Head Prefects, Linda Zondo and Anmarie Fouche. The Bible reading was presented by IP learners, Rina Geldenhuys and Hlengiwe Khumalo. We heard lovely singing items from the High school boys and the Foundation and Intermediate Phase learners. 

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