The learners who achieved above 80% for the DSS Science Expo qualified for the FFS Expo for Young Scientists. This Expo took place in Durban on 25 & 26 July. 17 learners with 9 projects participated. DSS achieved one 3rd Class, four 2nd Class and four 1st Class awards. In the first class section DSS achieved one bronze medal, two silver medals and one gold medal.
Mathematics Grade 10 Style
There are different ways of tackling a subject, but outdoor Mathematics?! The Grade 10 learners were applying Mathematical principles in the great outdoors which goes to say that teaching and learning can take place in almost any environment. {gallery}2013/Term3/Gr10Maths{/gallery}
Award Assembly Term 2
The second term closed on 20 June with our quarterly Award Assembly.
Boxy Grade 4s
The Grade 4 learners constructed small boxes as part of the Natural Science & Technology curriculum for the first half of the year. With their teacher, Mr Combrink, they deserve a round of applause.
Girls Hockey U9&U13 New Hanover Tournament
DSS Junior Girls played hockey against the following schools at the New Hanover Hockey Festival on 8 June.
Girls Hockey U9&U13 Duck Derby Wembley
The Junior girls played hockey at the Duck Derby Hockey Tournament held at Wembley College on 1 June.
Boys Adventure Camp
The Grade 10 boys’ adventure camp this year was closer to home and, to the relief of quite a few reluctant campers, we did not have to make the long walk of last year.