We entered two enthusiastic teams in the WESSA Environmental Quiz this year on 13 May.
SPAR KZN & aQuelle Hockey Tournament
The Girls Hockey 1st team took part in the SPAR KZN & aQuelle Hockey Tournament on 10 May at Wembley College.
The Importance of Prayer
The importance of prayer was graphically demonstrated in the morning assembly on 10 April.
Technology in Grade 9
It seems that the Grade 9 Technology learners spend a portion of their class time doing practical tasks.
Grade 10 Life Orientation
The Grade 10 Life Orientation subject involves an annual Adventure Camp and a community outreach project.
Wartburg Hockey & Netball Festival
DSS Girls Hockey and Netball teams competed in the festival @ Wartburg on 8 March.
2014 in the FET Phase
FET Phase learners knuckle down to work from Day One. Grade 12 learners are expected to put their shoulder to the wheel as soon as possible. In spite of the increased pressure in this phase, learners seem to be happy at school – it must be the positive DSS atmosphere! {gallery}2014/Term1/FET1stWeek{/gallery}