The Grade 10 Life Orientation subject involves an annual Adventure Camp and a community outreach project.
Wartburg Hockey & Netball Festival
DSS Girls Hockey and Netball teams competed in the festival @ Wartburg on 8 March.
2014 in the FET Phase
FET Phase learners knuckle down to work from Day One. Grade 12 learners are expected to put their shoulder to the wheel as soon as possible. In spite of the increased pressure in this phase, learners seem to be happy at school – it must be the positive DSS atmosphere! {gallery}2014/Term1/FET1stWeek{/gallery}
Making a 2014 start in Senior Phase
Learners in Senior Phase are growing at tremendous rates – physical dimensions are lengthening and widening and mental dimensions are going to be lengthened and widened too. Classes are larger in the Senior Phase. The Grade 7 class this year has 31 learners, many of whom are DSS learners for the first time in their … Read more
The First Few Days in IP
Intermediate Phase classes are small and cosy. Everyone knows everyone else. Learners settle down very quickly in their new classrooms.
Settling down in FP
It takes a while for the new Grade Rs to settle in to the school routine but in no time at all everyone fits into their new class and gets on with the real business of school. Take a look at these happy faces. {gallery}2014/Term1/SettlingFP{/gallery}
Day #1 @ DSS
The new school year began, like all other inland schools this year, on 15 January. There was something different about DSS this year – a new uniform which many learners wore for the first time on the first day.
Regional Bridge Building Competition
On Saturday 27 July two teams from Domino Servite participated in the Regional Bridge Building Competition held at St Charles College in Pietermaritzburg.