A total of 20 FAST students form part of the 2015 class.
Cricket 1st vs Victory Christian Academy
On 5 February DSS 1st played VCA 1st at the VCA cricket grounds.
Prefects Weekend
The weekend of 23-25 January saw the prefects at Mtunzini where we were treated to good advice, good food and good fun.
Starting off on the right foot
After a long summer break, both teachers and learners were back on their feet and in school mode on 21 January 2015.
First Assembly of 2015
I think the very first day at a new school must be the most exciting, most daunting, most interesting or even scarey day of the whole school year.
Foundation Phase Poetry Eisteddfod
The biannual Poetry Eisteddfod is one of the highlights on the Foundation Phase calendar.
Fun Day for Fun Lovers
As part of their community service requirements for Life Skills, the Grade 11s organised a FUN day for the Pre-school and Foundation Phase learners.
Matric Accounting Excursion
On 23 June, Sutherlands Home Furnishing in Howick hosted the Grade 12 Accounting learners for their research project.
U9-U11 Girls Hockey Festival
DSS Junior Girls Hockey teams played in the Hockey Festival held @ Wembley College on 21 June.