2010 Matric Dinner

After their final exams, the 2010 Matric class could afford to relax and enjoy a restaurant meal together with SGB and staff members on 24 November. It is a generally informal and relaxed occasion with good food and good company which make the evening quite special.   {gallery}2010/term4/matricdinner{/gallery}  

South African Reserve Bank visits DSS

During the third term the Grade 11 economics class hosted a member from the South African Reserve Bank. Mr. Zeph Nhleko presented a very interesting talk on amongst other things, the history and functions of SARB. Although the South African Reserve Bank is an institution that is mainly concerned with the formulation and implementation of … Read more

Community Outreach for EMS

On 27 July, the Grade 5 class, together with Mrs Khwela and Miss Anusca, presented a skit to the orphans in the local community in which they explained who Jesus is. They also gave gifts to these children.

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Cake for Speed Stacks

The sport of Speed Stacking is moving forward in leaps and bounds. The learners have progressed very nicely since the sport was introduced in Term 1. The learners were determined to raise money to buy the Speed Stacks mat with a timer.

Now if you know anything about the sport, it involves stacking ‘cups’ in a specific sequence in the fastest time possible with the least number of ‘fumbles’ possible. (Fumbles are mistakes – cup drops, slips, stacker knocks the cup over etc.) When we started we simply stacked the cups on a school desk and timed the sequence using the stop watch. But with a mat and timer, the player is automatically timed as he begins and ends the sequence. This is more accurate than using the stop watch.

These mats and timers are quite expensive but the Intermediate Phase held a cake sale on 9 September to raise money for three mats and timers. This also teaches children that as a child, one can also make a contribution when things are needed by the school.


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SAIMechE Technology Olympiad 2010

For four consecutive years a team from DSS has managed to qualify for the National finals of the SAIMechE Technology Olympiad. In 2008 DSS won and in 2010 this feat was repeated.

The 2010 challenge read as follows:
Design and build a self-powered ball-shooter that can travel from the start area to the shooting area and shoot a tennis ball at the goals without human intervention. The power source of the ball-shooter may be mechanical, gravity, pneumatic, hydraulic or any combination of these. The ball-shooter is placed on the starting area, loaded with one tennis ball, energised and released into the playing field. The ball-shooter must then travel into the shooting area and fire a ball at the goal (the A3 box) without human intervention. The ball may not be fired inside the Penalty Area. Once the ball has been fired the ball-shooter may be picked up and placed in the starting area for a new cycle, however if the ball has deflected off one of the players (2 litre soft drink bottles) and rolled out of the playing area, then the team has the option to start the ball shooter from the point on the sideline where the ball left the playing field.


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Hillcrest Christian Academy

The Hillcrest Christian Academy Grade 6 class made their annual visit to KSB Mission with the purpose of learning about new cultures, community living and a number of other issues. On 9 September they joined DSS for the morning assembly. This time though, they brought along two reptiles. The one snake was introduced to the school during the assembly which very much brought alive the story of the serpent in the Garden of Eden! The learners were allowed to handle the two snakes under the watchful eye of Timothy, the snake handler. Needless to say, it was a first for many!


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FP & IP Open Evening

The Foundation Phase and Intermediate Phase parents were invited to join the staff for an Open Evening on 19 August. During this time the parents were reminded about the importance of reading and how they can make it more enjoyable for their children. They looked at their children’s books and chatted to their teachers before enjoying a nice cup of coffee and a piece of cake.

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Award Assembly


The June 2010 Award Assembly was a little different to the usual term end assemblies. A past pupil, Ruth Combrink, took the devotion. The Grade 5 & 6 boys performed a Speed stacks demonstration for the audience. The South African flag took on a whole new gospel meaning. The learners who had performed so well in the winter sport competitions were awarded. The winners of the DSS Soccer World Cup, France and Chile, were awarded. Lastly, we bid a fond farewell to Dr Stott who has left on post graduate studies.


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