Senior Phase Cake Sale

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EMS learners in the Senior Phase hold an annual cake sale in which they practise their business skills. This year was no different. Learners sold their delicious wares and the rest of us gladly supported them.   {gallery}2013/Term3/EMSCakeSale{/gallery}

Spring Day


Learners at DSS always know when we have left the winter season and are entering spring because it is always celebrated in style on Spring Day. This year, 1 September was a Sunday, but we celebrated the arrival of spring on Monday, 2 September. Spring certainly awakens the creativity in us all as you can … Read more

National Bridge Building Competition

Petrus Fourie, Joseph Grobler and Iliya Matveyuk achieved first position at the Regional Bridge Building Competition with their bridge holding a weight of 216kg.

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Regional Technology Competition



Learners were required to build a jumping device, which could perform one or more of the following functions, each tested individually within a period of ten minutes:

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Zonal Athletics


120 DSS athletes competed at the Zonal Athletics Meeting held in Dundee on 17 August. Bergiville Christian Academy, Estcourt Christian Academy, Ichtus and DSS competed. All the athletes performed very well with Gabriel van Eeden winning the Senior Victor Laudorum for the competition.  {gallery}2013/Term3/ZonalAth{/gallery}

Senior & FET Phase Open Evening


On 13 August the annual Open Evening was held for the Senior and FET Phases.  Ms Pretorius briefed the Grade 9 parents on the importance of subject choices, as well as preparing their children for the workplace, which not only relies on learners’ academic success, but also on their organisational skills and emotional maturity. Parents … Read more

Interhouse Athletics Meeting

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3 August turned out to be a fantastic day weatherwise for an Interhouse Athletics Meeting! It was on this day that Morris beat Murray, for the first time in a while, by a whopping 181 points. The final score was Murray – 1540 and Morris – 1721.

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