Upon arrival at the campsite, we began collecting firewood and building our shelters. To make sure that we did not stray from our camp ‘buddies’, we were tied together. Once our shelters were built, it was lunch time. On the menu were chicken heads and feet which were literally ‘finger-licking good’ – for some of us. For supper we had delicious stick-bread and boerewors. We played multiple games which required good thinking and teamwork. We returned the following morning after a restless night and a mouth-watering breakfast. Ludwig McGill

The adventure camp came with many surprises and challenges. The weather was great which resulted in no shelter catastrophes. It was a challenge to stick with our buddies and work as a team, but we learnt many valuable lessons. We were spoilt with chicken heads and feet for lunch which resulted in an interesting lunch session around the campfire. We spent unlimited time with our teachers and classmates playing many interesting and stimulating games. Building our shelters seemed easy at first but once we started we were quickly tired out. Many girls had blisters from using the axes, however, we finally had shelters that kept us warm in spite of the creepy crawlies. Cooking our own food had its sucesses and failures which we had to work together to overcome. The food was delicious and the company warming. Almarie Hanekom, Annelle Jaeger, Sinqobile Majozi, Siphokazi Mthonti