Domino Servite School maintains its exemplary record of 100% matric pass rate in 2024, upholding its reputation for excellence. Out of a class of 31 candidates with 210 symbols, there were 66 distinctions. Joshua Combrink, Megan Engelbrecht and Adelle van der Walt each achieved a full complement of distinctions; Kaat Schobben and Michelle van Hasselt each achieved 6 distinctions. In addition, Michelle achieved within the top 5% in 6 or more subjects and a rating level of 7 in Life Orientation which placed her on the IEB Outstanding Achievement list.
5 candidates achieved within the Top 1% of candidates per subject for Afrikaans First Additional Language, Geography and IsiZulu Home Language.
The 2024 cohort includes 3 international learners, 26 learners from KZN, 1 from Gauteng and the Free State and represents 6 language groups. Domino Servite’s achievement is all the more remarkable as it provides equal opportunities to students from diverse academic backgrounds.
Congratulations to each and every candidate on their fine results.