The end of year function for Gr RRR-3 is a less formal and rather charming event on the calendar.

Program directors, Lila Joubert and Nonjabulo Khomo, ably handled the program. Joel Marloth and Abongwe Ngidi did the Bible reading in English and Sotho. The Gr R learners entertained the audience with ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’; the children sang a song; the FP recited UKekhe; the ensemble and the brass band added their ‘mature’ music touches to the program.

The Foundation Phase learners were awarded for their academic and sport achievements of the year. Mrs F Stegen presented the awards. The Gr R learners officially graduate to ‘big school’ and they received a beautiful gift as a reminder of their carefree days in the Pre-primary.

To top it all, each learner left with a delightful foodie bag and the parents were treated to tasty snacks and drinks.