SP & FET Open Evening

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The High School Open Evening took place on 12 October.

Parents are afforded the opportunity to meet with the staff to discuss learners’ academic growth and challenges. An important part of this evening is also to inform parents of current changes in the teaching profession, as well as important developments that may affect their children. Mrs Pretorius updated parents on the possible subject choices faced by Grade 9 learners in 2019, the most important change being the discontinuation of designated subjects in the FET phase. Miss Newlands informed us of the likely changes in learners’ needs due to the changing world around them and the diversity of worldviews and value systems that exist. Classifying learners as Generation Z or Millennials could impact the way teachers need to approach teaching methodology in future.

At the end of an informative and enjoyable evening, one was once again was reminded of the fact that the parents and teachers of DSS have a special relationship and that together we strive not only to further our children’s education, but also to develop them holistically as individuals.
